
Forest and Woodland

Mole National Park is situated in the heart of the pristine Guinea Savannah Woodland vegetation, with gallery forests along the rivers and streams. The Guinea Savannah Woodland is described as the largest vegetation zone in Ghana, covering 148,000 sq.km (62% of Ghana). This vegetation type is characterized by widespread tall grasses which are interspersed with deciduous acacia trees and other trees such as Baobab (Adansoniadigitata), Dawadawa (ParkiaClappertoniana), Silk Cotton (Ceibapentrandra) and Shea Butter (Butyrospermumparadoxium).

Plant life varies from season to season: the wet season promotes the growth of trees and grasses, making vegetation look lush and green. The dry season, on the other hand, gives the landscape a parched look.  Leaves change colour from green to yellow and brown, and the trees eventually shed their leaves.

However, Shinnie and Kense have observed (1989) that along the banks of the White Volta River in the Daboya area, there is a dense canopy of tropical forest vegetation and also, that ‘‘the vegetation density of the Mole National park clearly shows the potential of this vegetation zone parkland development’’.

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With support from corporate firms and individuals below:
MARCA CORONA 1741, Virginia VICARIO, Pierluigi VALSECCHI, Micol Sandrini, Elisabetta Drudi, Gianna Da Re, Anna and Stefano Ramella Pezza/CONSAR
Alessandro Masoni, Paola Di Giacomo, Teresa Testa and Ferruccio Ippoliti, SAVINO DEL BENE, GRIMALDI Group, MBS GHANA Ltd, PERMAFIX Industries Ghana, IZONE

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